Are you in search of a little boost to keep your ponytail from falling flat? The secret to bouncy, full ponytails is all in a little ClipIn and a lot of bobby pins.
Simply take the ClipIn ponytail of your choice and slide the clips into your hair right above your ponytail. Move the strands to make sure ClipIn ponytail covers your own in a way that looks natural.
Take the curled strand of the ClipIn ponytail and wrap it around your entire ponytail, securing it into place with a bobby pin.
For even more bounce, before you start to put in the ClipIn ponytail add two to three bobby pins to keep your ponytail from sagging throughout the day.
Simply take the bobby pins and insert them through your elastic ponytail holder toward the crown of your head, pulling the ponytail upwards. Then, slide the ClipIn ponytail over the bobby pins to help conceal them.
Find your perfect ClipIn ponytail to complete this look by visiting our ClipIn ponytail product page.